Friday, September 24, 2010

Morning Snack

I had a friend recently write on her blog about being spontaneous vs. being routine (Confessions of a Writing Mama -  - check it out!). I have thought about this for a bit (thank you, Lisa!) and as much as I would like to think of myself as spontaneous, I’m not. I’m DEFINITELY a “routine girl”.  I guess it comes from having four kids. If I didn’t have routine I would go crazy.

Our “typical” day starts out with me going to the gym at 5:25ish. I get home at , give Paul a kiss that says both hello and goodbye, and tag in as he goes out door for work. By this point in the morning (when most of you have kids still sleeping soundly in bed, I’m sure) three out of four of my kids are awake and ready to go.

Still sweaty from the gym, I grab two apples from the fridge and cut them into three bowls. (And yes, I do this just about EVERY MORNING.) If it isn’t turned on already, we put on PBS or some other kid video of their choosing. The kids sit on the couch, watch TV, and eat apples while I run upstairs to shower, make my bed, and get Amanda up. By I am hollering downstairs for the three apple munchers to come up and get dressed and do their “upstairs chores”.

Monday – Friday, things are very much the same here…and I like it that way.

Today, though, I had one of those “aha moments” that breaks up the ordinary in a wonderful way. I was cutting the apples up for about the millionth time in my life. Suddenly, it hit me. You might want to sit down for this revelation: Apples have skin on them. Isn’t it shocking?

While this may seem small and insignificant, I started to think about how once an apple is cut, and the “meat” of the apple is exposed to air for a long period of time, it begins to turn brown and gross. With an uncut skin, the apple will stay fresh and tasty on the inside for a long time.

The rest of the morning, I pondered the fact that apples have skin on them. It left me with a sense of wonder that God would pay attention to details like giving skin to an apple. It’s amazing. Not in a “take out a billboard and alert the community” kind of way but in a humbling, awe of God kind of way.

Every so often, I think God tries to remind us that He loves us. And while I might miss those messages all too often, I caught it today. If God can give skin to an apple, he can take care of every detail of my life and concern of my heart. And He will do the same for you.

So, today, I’m thankful for my ordinary, mundane, Friday morning routine. I’m glad my kids like their morning snack. And tomorrow morning, I will probably cut their apples with a silly smile on my face because I know that I’m loved and that God is in control.

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! And thanks for the shout-out:) I actually wish I could be more routine like you. But I can't believe you get us so early!
