Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why on earth?

So, why on earth am I doing this? I guess it's a way to think through my day... my life... and blogs are so five minutes ago so it's about time I start mine.

Why on earth "Greenlizard". Well, a long time ago I needed a screen name for something. YEARS ago. I can't even recall what I needed it for but I needed one and Greenlizard was available. And it has stuck... and it reappears every now and again. Like here. On this blog.

A bit about me and my new blog: I am married with 4 kids. I stay at home and usually enjoy it. I am very down-to-earth and fairly laid back. I have friends that have entire blogs dedicated to nutrition...or eating organic...or cloth diapering...or natural childbirth...or homeschooling...or public schooling...or you get the idea. My blog won't be anything like that. I think those things are all great but I just can't get that excited about any particular topic. Actually, I'm not really an expert in any of those things so I simply have nothing to say. I think this will be the ramblings of a fairly uninformed person who likes to talk to herself.

To clear things up, I will blog about my kids a lot. If you're not into kids, you probably won't like my blog. Not to say that they will ALL be about my kids but they make for funny moments and great stories... and if God is going to teach me anything, it will likely be through them. Well, he probably teaches me more through my husband and I'm sure there will be some stuff about him on here too.

If you have any suggestions for me related to content or blog design or missing info, please let me know. I'm a newbie at this and if you follow this blog at all, you probably do this a lot more than I do! So... hello blog world... I'm only five minutes late.


  1. Oh this is going to be so good...and I am sure hilarious most days...well to the world green lizard..

  2. I think I will love your blog Liz! I used to read blogs about this and that, but they're always so argumentative. I want to read a blog that's just fun, and real, so I'll follow you!
