Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Squirrel - Part 1

Squirrels can creep me out sometimes. I think they're pretty harmless but they can scare the bejeebers out me.

Last spring, I went into the garage with my two little girls - Jess who was two at the time and Amanda who was probably about 14 months. We were getting the stroller out for a walk. At some point between my opening the garage with the garage door opener and our getting out to the garage itself, a squirrel, unbeknownst to us, found its way... you guessed it... into the garage.

So here I am... one baby on my hip and one walking a few feet ahead of me... We are at least 5 steps in when I see a squirrel looking us in the eye. Jess is a few feet away and I am frozen with fear. Do I make a dash for Jess and risk the three of us being terrorized ? Do I run out with the baby and at least save two of us (sorry, Jess!)? Do I run at the squirrel and make the ultimate sacrifice?

As the ideal role model mother, I kinda' started screaming and doing a lot of nothing. The squirrel started darting all over the place and my heart was going a million miles a minute as I envisioned this little weasel jumping on my Jess' head!

I don't know exactly how it all happened but in a matter of about 5 seconds the squirrel dashed out of the garage and I was left with two crying babies and a heart that wanted to leap out of my chest.

Fast forward to yesterday. The kids had been playing out side and so, of course, the garage door is once again open. I'm on my way to the car when I see a measly squirrel (probably the same nutcase from last year!) wander in. Knowing that I can't leave the squirrel in there, I wonder what to do. (Why didn't I call Paul out to take care of this?)

I hesitated a second as the scene from the spring flashed through my mind. Knowing better than to walk willingly into the garage, I hopped in the car and decided that if I drove TOWARD the garage, maybe the squirrel would get scared and run out.  The car begins creeping toward the garage and I'm looking like a madwoman for signs of life in the garage to emerge and depart...

Hmmm. I think this story is getting too long. Stay tuned and check out my next blog for the rest of the story!

1 comment:

  1. seriously you are suppose to finish the blogs no matter how long...LOL I can't wait to read the rest
